Monday, April 11, 2011

Miliardi, milioni, ponti e recensioni

Nuova infornata di piccole news.

Su Linus di aprile Dario Buzzolan telefona a Marco Polo per ascolar le meraviglie incontrate nei suoi viaggi, che purtroppo nulla sono in confronto alla sfighe del nostro presente...

Un contributo per il movimento NO Ponte in vista della manifestazione del 14 maggio. Altri contributi visibili qui.

Una bella recensione di Grotesque 4 che mi era sfuggita, courtesy by Paul D. Houston:

"This book came out in 2010, but I've finally gotten around to reading it and felt moved to post my thoughts about it. First thing that came to mind is, why did I ignore the first three issues? And why is Sergio Ponchione not regarded as one of the top artists in the field today?! This book is absolutely gorgeous. Lush, bizarre, and moving. The type of comics art which you dwell on a single panel for minutes at a time. The amount of detail and skill in each drawing is astounding. The tones and colors along with the expressive line and brush work create a mood of deep inspection. Obviously I'm missing something by not having read the first three issues, but #4 is still a completely understandable story in it's own right. The story this issue (and probably a sum of the entire series) is basically about the meditation on fantasy vs. reality and/or the meaning of life. It's a loose and open themed story for a general audience to think about, but the story still keeps us involved with the main characters Mr. Oblique and Professor Hackensack who mediate or narrate the theme of the book. Mr. Oblique in particular is a very interesting looking character with his flat headed evil grin ever present. Ponchione knows how to irradiate creepiness in his work and Mr. Oblique is one of the creepiest looking characters I've ever seen in a comic. Having only read the last issue of the series I have no idea how the main characters ended up in this spot, at the end of an adventure of a sort. But not having read the first three issues, I don't think I've missed out on the point of the story. It's all right here in the final issue... What is the meaning of our lives?
The story ends on a cliffhanger of sorts, or a question for each reader to ask themselves. Nothing extremely confusing or annoying though as it seems pretty fitting considering the nature of the story that was told. All in all I liked this issue and even if I weren't able to read the first three issues, I'm pretty satisfied with this one alone. It was a gorgeous book all by it's lonesome. Ponchione's art reminds me of Jim Woodring, David B. and Al Columbia at times, but is uniquely his own style. If anyone reading this likes good comic art, then pick this book up, you will not be disappointed. Check the sample pages shown here for examples. This is a deep book despite it's emphemereal story nature because of Ponchione's art.
Me, I'll be sure to get ahold of anything Ponchione does in the future and hope he does a lot more work soon!"

Tnx, Paul!



Ciao Sergio. Grazie a Fumettologicamente, mi è capitato di leggere un paio di post dedicati a te e all'autoproduzione. Soprattutto ho potuto leggere "La storia più strana...". Devo ammettere che, per quanto breve, dire che sia stata una lettura interessante è davvero un eufemismo.

Mi è piaciuta davvero tanto e ti rendo un grande merito per la ricerca e la struttura. Se dovesse capitarmi di trovarlo da qualche parte (e spero che possa capitarmi), ne prendo un po' di copie, me le appiccico addosso e vado in giro così, giuro :)

Complimenti e grazie.

Sergio Ponchione said...

Grazie mille Luigi, rimani sintonizzato su Splog! e presto comunicherò come fare per ricevere l'albetto via posta, così potrai esserne il sandwich man ufficiale ;)...